Sunday, May 2, 2010

Stuck or Not

I had a conversation with a friend some time ago and since it was not a view I had conceptualized in my mind before, it gave me food for thought so I have been writing and rewriting before posting.

He said that we assume people are stuck in their lives. What if they are not and this is the path they chose because that is what makes them happy, comfortable or content. They choose the simple life of hanging out every day at the same place with the same friends, going home to a significant other or alone. Waking up, going to work and doing it all over again.

I thought about that and looked at my life. We equate stuck as not conquering the world and seeing all that we can or being all that we can.

As much as I do the things I do and the traveling I do, my life is pretty simple and at times, probably mundane. I get up, go to work, go to the gym, hang out with friends, teach classes and enjoy my time alone as well as with friends.

I don't want to conquer the world, I don't need to make millions of dollars or be famous. I like the simple things in life; snuggling with a special someone next to a roaring fire on a rainy day; playing Scrabble with my daughter; go wine tasting with friends; enjoying the holidays with family and just live each day as fully possible.

This friend of mine is a psychiatrist by trade, but is in the middle of making some changes to his practice or possibly leaving it all together because of this new thought process of his. He says that as a therapist, psychiatrist or life coach, they are taught that people can overcome the bland life and live their dreams. They believe that if you are not rich, successful or out changing the world, you are stuck.

I get the "living your dream" as I am. I started my business and it is booming. I write all the time and that is getting some attention. I am out most evenings with friends, family or on a date. I saw this quote and I love it. "If you want something to happen, you have to go out and make it happen." I am not home all the time hanging out waiting for something to happen.

I am fortunate enough to have a great job with a good wage so that I can travel to visit friends. I love going on new adventures as it gives me something to write about, take photos of or just plain enjoy the something new that I never experienced before. Nothing elaborate, just simple and fun.

Now I have a different view of people's lives and appreciate that I got that lesson. It opened my eyes and mind to people's choices, see them as they are in their world and how they are not stuck and just enjoying the time they have here. But I also get that we need to expand it a little to live our dreams, add a little spice to life and celebrate where and who we are.

Sending out loving energy to you all and hope that each day is special and fulfilling.


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