Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is Love Worth Waiting or Fighting For?

In life, there are no guarantees except that we will all die.

I got into a conversation with a friend at work and she said she was afraid to give her heart to this guy she really likes. When she first told me about him, she had been in a relationship for a short time last year but they parted because they had too many differences and he was having financial problems.

He had called out of the blue recently and she was trying to avoid him because she was very attracted to him and the sound of his voice gave her a thrill she hadn't felt in some time. Slowly, they have been talking and he said something that caught her attention. "I want to be madly in love with you." She heard those words and realized she wanted to be madly in love with him as well but was scared of the feelings it invoked in her.

Her exact words to me were, "he has too much passion." I asked her what the hell she was talking about? There is no such thing as too much passion. I mean, what is the worse that can happen? You can have a great time, have tons of passion in your life... so it can sizzle out but you learn something about yourself... OR you can have a loving and passionate man that is in your life for a long time. Either way, where is the down side to that, I asked her? You have to give love to get it and if he wants to, then what's the problem?

It made me think. Some times, you find that one person that is worth waiting for, worth fighting for. You know with every part of your being that you were meant to be together. You may not be with that person right now or you were and you had to split but you just know that person was the one.

So what do you do? Not what I did...

I got scared of it and it got me into a lot of trouble... actually, I put a lot of drama into it and now it is gone. I loved him but he never loved me or cared about me but that is ok. You can't make someone love you. It has been a valuable lesson for me and something to take along as I establish my relationship with this new person in my life. But I will tell you, this is what I learned...

Cherish the love you have and give. Give it unconditionally, freely and openly even if it is not returned. Let it flow and let it come as it is. Be yourself in each moment. Learn to have your own life. Let the person have theirs. Don't put expectations on love or the person. Cherish the person. Communicate honestly. Trust yourself. Trust them to be honorable. Live your life. Let them live theirs. Be grateful for what you have, for what you get and even if the person goes, for what they gave.

Sending out unconditional love, gratitude and hope.

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