Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Play Time!

Do you take time to have fun in your life and do something random and silly? Nothing crazy that you would get hurt but just something to make you laugh?

For years, I didn’t do that. I always took myself too seriously unless I was dealing with kids because I thought to be grown up and mature, I had to be dedicated to working and making my life something great. That has changed now and most times I am a goofball, as my family and friends will tell you.

Now I don’t mean getting drunk and doing or being stupid but just having a good time, acting silly when I can or when it is appropriate. Some times when things are tense, I try to break it by saying something random and everyone laughs and the tension is gone.

With all that has been happening in my life lately, I knew that without my time for fun, I would have burnt out long time ago. I was going to school getting my PhD, still trying to overcome the loss of my dad, getting over a heart break and planning my daughter’s wedding. Whew, even that sounded like a lot of stuff in my head.

I think it is important not to take yourself seriously because life is so short and there is so much you can do to enjoy the time you have. How would you like to be remembered? Would you prefer to be remembered as a stodgy, overbearing, serious person or a spontaneous, silly and fun person? I prefer the latter because people always remember the ones that make you laugh.

Another area that people don’t laugh enough is during sex. I know, random, huh? But that is how I think so get over it. hee hee!

Everyone wants it to be perfect in the sack and you know what? Most times it is not that way but if you can inject some fun and silliness, it can be wonderfully amazing. And what will you remember about it later on? You had FUN, you SMILED, you LAUGHED and it felt GOOD!

Next time you are with your honey bunny, try to inject some silliness into it. I can almost guarantee you will have a great time.  Be creative with your fun… And NO, I will not give out my silly, hot, crazy, fun ideas… get your own! Hahahaha!

Sending out loving, fun and silly energy to you all.

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