Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Judging Others

If you judge people, you don’t have time to love them. ~Mother Teresa

Should we ask ourselves when we start to judge people upon meeting them, where it is coming from? Perhaps it is something we see inside ourselves that are lacking that we put those biases onto others? They say first impressions make all the difference but most times we don't have the full story and come to make a wrong impression of that person. Unfortunately, we tend to carry that impression on until proven wrong.

Sure, it is human nature to see others and compare ourselves to them; see if they are below or above our "standards" that we may carry in our minds. By why do we carry that? What we need to do is overcome that need to feel superior to others or judge them for their circumstances. We need to learn some tolerance and understanding because wouldn't you want that when others are meeting you for the first time? I know I am imperfect so how can I judge knowing that?

Sometimes, the person has a trait that we secretly want so we become critical of them rather than admire for it. It is a matter of just saying what you feel, to yourself, to admit that the person has something you don't; then again, if you really look at yourself, you may have something they do not have. That is what makes the world go-round; our diversities, our differences, our uniqueness. They are human as we are and they have their limits as we do, but theirs are probably different than yours so see them for who and what they are and who or what they can become.

Keep an open mind when meeting new people. You do not know the kind of life they have led to the point of meeting you and you don't understand the pains they may have encountered along the way. We carry that whether we are conscious about it or not and at times, it comes out in the worse way. If we meet people with an open heart and mind, we allow that spark to ignite and wonderful friendships to be created to carry along in our lives.

So, the next time you meet someone new, stop and think about how you are being perceived and keep your mind open so that you can see and listen to who they truly are inside.

Sending you all unlimited love and gratitude.
Bright blessing.

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