Monday, June 28, 2010

The World is in a Big Ouch

While having a conversation with a close friend at work about the movie, ET, she was telling me that she was bawling at the part where ET points to his heart and says, “ouch.”

As I was thinking of my reply, one thought popped in my head and it was that “the world is in a big ouch” and that is how this blog came to life.

I mean, look around. As much as we don’t want to see the truth, we are in a world of hurt and I do mean, world.

Wars and famine at this time in our society when we have the capabilities to get anywhere, grow anything and communicate anywhere in the world. I don't get it.

Certain people continue to get richer as the mass get poorer yet we as humans keep allowing it. I had another conversation with the same friend and I said that we are brought up a certain way to think and we have to break that pattern. We need to get out of it and find new thoughts that get things done in this world.

People want to be financially rich but not spiritually rich. In the end, what we take when we die is our spirit, not our material things so why do we continue to put material things in the forefront? We are lacking somewhere in our lives or missing something that we desperately need. We have to have the latest gadgets, toys, cars or house. I know so many people who have an iPhone but can barely afford it yet they keep borrowing money from friends to pay that bill but let more important ones go to the wayside because they have to keep up with the Jones. Says who? And furthermore, who gives a shit about the Jones? Care about yourself; your soul, your humanity, the people but not the crap around you.

I realize that we have to work on ourselves first. By ourselves, I mean our country, the United States. We are in dire straits and if nothing is done, more of us will be on the streets than in homes the way the economy is going. Back to the old world style of living off the land. Can you see yourself as a farmer or a laborer?

I see how many foundations and non-profits there are in the country and yet nothing gets fixed. Where does the money go that people donate? It is ridiculous that we are in this mess but we have no one to blame but ourselves. We allowed the government and those organizations to put us where we are today. We voted them in, we donate the money and even if you didn’t, you got stuck with what was voted in or what others donated because you didn't speak up.

What is even scarier is how many evil people are coming out of the woodwork. The things they do to others and get away with for so long before they are caught because we look the other way. We don't want to get involved. We want to be ignorant to what is going on. When do we say enough is enough and get them off the streets and start doling out the punishment we did way back when? It worked that way because people feared for their lives. Now people do something so they can go to jail and be taken care of. Free hot meals, free room and board, free showers, free everything. And who pays for it? We do. Then the jails get overcrowded and they come back to the streets and do more damage.

We have to change things ourselves because we cannot rely on our government to do it now. They are more interested in doing business outside of our country so we keep getting less and less money to run a decent state, let alone a city.

What are you going to do about it?

In peace and in love,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Are You Ready for Heartbreak?

Who says we are ever ready to go out and get our hearts broken?

My friend is dating this guy and they are going through that period of building their foundation of friendship and seeing where else their path can take them. He is having doubts about going out and trying to have a relationship with someone while he gets his head together and she is still getting life together, though to me, it is always a neverending process.

Her reply to him was "who says that any of us are ready to go out and have our hearts broken." And I thought, you know, that is true. We have this idea that finding the right person will be magical but in truth, it is hard work. We meet, sparks happen, then we open our mouths and minds and each takes a step back and thinks, is this the right person? Then doubts set in and we screw ourselves before things get started.

I write this out of experience and had done exactly that. Decided ahead of time that things were going to end badly and not giving it a chance to get better, so of course, it did end badly. My bad! LOL

A friend best on his Facebook page. "Whatever you do, be sincere in all your dealings. People yearn for genuine connection; the time for facades has passed; it serves no one. When you are closed to others, you don't "protect yourself," you cheat yourself of opportunities, precious moments to positively affect the lives of others and to know love. When you're insincere, you may deceive a few but you rob yourself of the truth; and Love & Truth is all there is."

If you are going out there to find someone to be in a relationship with, know that we bring our baggage into it. We bring our insecurities, our faults, our dark. But we also bring our good, our light, our passion into it, too. If you really are willing to get out there to find that special someone, let it all come in but be honest about it.

It will take a lot of courage and strength to get out there because, yes, heartbreak can (and will) happen over and over until you find that one person who is strong enough to stay and handle it all even with their baggage mixed into the pot. Know it will require lots of work but do not put any expectations on the person to be something they are not. You connected with them because of who they are so why are you trying to change them? Trust me, love is not easy. If it was, there would never be divorce and definitely no heartbreaks but perhaps it might be a tad bit boring.

I wish you many heartbreaks until you find that one person who can heal them all with their passion, their love, their uniqueness; because that means you are out there, fighting the good fight, for love.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wishing on a Star

How many of us do that when we see the first star of the night? As the old nursery rhyme goes...

Star Light Star bright
The first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight.

As children we learn that and know that if we wish on the first star of the night, it will come true.

Last night as I drove home from the airport at the end of my wonderful vacation, the song Wishing on a Star by Rose Royce came on. I turned the volume way up and sang my heart out as it was very nostalgic and reminded me of my younger years of fun, dancing and mostly of love.

When the song was over, I turned the volume down and began to wonder how many of us make wishes on stars; for money; stature; fame, health, but mostly for love or for love to come back with that special someone that left or we sent away.

The Universe does work in mysterious ways and how many times have you made a wish, forgotten about it then have it come true? You put that intention out, didn't dwell on it and the Universe put it in front of you. Ain't it wonderful?

That was my thought last night and wanted to share with you all and to let you know that I am back and will start blogging more.

May all your wishes and dreams come true.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

What a great time I have had on my trip to Connecticut. The experiences and times I shared with friends have been valuable lessons to me. It opened my mind further and I got to see the world from the different eyes of each of my friends. It made me raise a mirror to see how I have been blind or judgemental to those in my past, lost some in that process and surprisingly, re-gained one as well.

The down-trodden, dejected and homeless woman; the happy but lost housewife always searching; the young, energetic conqueror; and the one I thought I was in love with but realized that I was not over the last one. Life has a strange way to bring people into our lives again and again.

I am sitting in a wonderful restaurant, reliving the past few days with a glass of Merlot, waiting for my seafood crepes. It was wonderful, irritating, energizing, pathetic, sympathetic, happy, sad, angry but most of all, it was filled with melancholy and memories, happy and sad.

I talked to my friend, the happy housewife, still wondering if she made the right choice with her husband of 15 years and keeps asking herself what she really wants despite her wonderful life.

I hung out with a friend who has no idea of where she is going and thinks the world owes her. She has lost her kids as she was arrested, is in a shelter trying to rebuild her life but still not seeing the big picture and blames everyone else for her woes and won't change her ways. But deep down, she has a good heart and is just lost. I wish her well and hope that she sees the light one day soon.

I spoke with a friend for almost 4 hours at a cafe, who is young, successful, energetic and out trying to conquer the world. I think he will make a name for himself and we had a great time exchanging ideas, thoughts and getting to know one another more, face to face, rather than over the phone, emails or on Facebook.

Out of the blue, someone that I hadn't talked to but once in the past year and I had let go as a friend because he had been jealous of the man I was in love with, got a hold of me today. We talked for a couple hours and have been able to reconnect as friends. He apologized for being an ass (in his words) and I apologized for not seeing where he was coming from then, as he had been in love with me. I know the pain of heartbreak and I felt horrible that I did that to someone else because I was in pain.

It gave me thought to raise the mirror and look at myself. Allow me to see where I had done the things all my friends have done and how much I have changed the last 6 months. Yes, for the better.

All in all, it was a great trip and I am glad that I came. What I take with me is invaluable and I am so grateful all the experiences that I went through this past week, even the three flat tire incidents. Gotta love rental cars! LOL

May life give you many opportunities to see where you are, allow you the time to absorb each experience, forgive those who may have hurt you and see each day as a day to live fully in love, joy, happiness and gratitide.

Thank you for your presence in my life.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Beginning of the End

It was raining today so I used the time to drive around and visit different places and towns that I heard about in Connecticut. I decided to start from where I have friends but crossed a few other towns that I felt that were quaint and peaceful.

While driving through Bloomfield, I came across this beautiful cemetery and it called to me so I drove in. I parked and just took in the feelings I was getting. I got out and stood overlooking all the unique headstones, I started to wonder. Is this the end or just the beginning to another world we hear of but is unseen by the mortal eyes?

I found it to be peaceful to stand surrounded by those who have passed on but I am sure others don't feel that way. I guess death doesn't scare me so it was calming to be there.

I wondered about each persons' life as I read their headstones and thanked them for their time here to continue the cycle of life. I have been in a couple historic cemeteries in Savannah, GA but this one felt special for some reason.

The way the rain was falling as I walked along was soft and comforting. I noticed how the trees sheltered some of the tombs and how others were left out in the elements. Were the roles reversed and those who had a hard life were sheltered in the afterlife or did it continue as in life and those who had a sheltered life continue in death?

I enjoyed reading the names, the messages and the different styles of tombs. Large plain crosses, ones that had angels with their arms open wide as if enveloping those who crossed and the ones that had Jesus with his serene smile and comforting message to those who were left here to go on.

Do you ever wonder how it will be for you? What message would you want on your tomb? What do you want to be remembered by?

In peace and comfort to you all.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Why Wait?

Our time here is very limited and we never know when it's up. It is easy to think we have unlimited amounts of time. Then one day, your world gets turned upside down and you realize that each day, each moment is precious.

It took a few years and a couple situations to finally sink in for me. The passing of my dad and losing someone I thought was a close friend gave me that gift to really understand that. The experience has taught me that I need to be less afraid of taking risks and going for the things in life that I am passionate about and makes me happy.

My dad is not coming back and I know that I won't see that friend again so why wait for something to happen in my life?  I have to get out there and make it happen. I am finding the joy in doing that and loving that I am meeting so many new people and seeing new things in life.

Sure, I still have lots of moments when I put things off and get back into the old habit of thinking I have all the time in the world but as I get older, it has become less frequent. I know that right around the corner, my time will be up so I want to be able to look back and know that I had a full life filled with lots of love and heartbreak, laughter and tears, rights and wrongs, and I took risks and even made huge mistakes so that I could change the course of my life.

The best part of it all would be meeting all the amazing people along the way. Some who will be with me until the end and some that stopped by for a short time in my life. Regardless of the length of time they were or are with me, they had some impact on my life and for that I am grateful and hope that they have a life filled with abundance and much love.

What I want is simple; to have good people around me, lots of good times and lots of laughter and love.

I want to know that I gave love to someone and got it back. I want a relationship with a man who can deal with my ideals, my silliness, quirks and faults (and I have a few) and still love me. That he will let me see his imperfections, his faults and his vulnerability and let me love him fully without holding back. I want to be able to sing at the top of my lungs badly and have him laugh at me. I want to share snowball fights in the middle of the night or dance under the moon.

With my job situation the way it is and now knowing when my last day will be, I am preparing my move to the east coast and am finding that I am very excited about it. I may have put that energy out into the Universe that I wanted to move so it showed me the door and even pushed it a bit open. Now it is up to me to walk through it and see what adventures are on the other side. Again, why wait to move when I have the time and the means to do so?

We procrastinate for some many reasons and we convince ourselves that we have time. No we don't. Time flies by without us noticing and you are 50. Then 60, then 70 and finally you get closer to the end. What you need to do is realize that there is no time like the present and get your ass out there, see the world, live your passion and enjoy it as much as you can now. Why wait? What are you waiting for?

In this day and age of technology and travel, you can be on the other side of the world in half a day. If you have a dream of going somewhere different, just once in your life, start saving the money now and achieve your goal next year. Make another goal and keep going. All the joy, the passion and the world is yours right now. Nothing is keeping you from going but you so cut the ties and make your move. The Universe is waiting for you.

To wonderful adventures to live and tell!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Handling Change

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein

If our thoughts and behaviors do not change, our lives will continue to cycle through as they have before. Nothing changes and we become stagnate. We continue to fight battles within ourselves because we do not accept changes and then wonder why it is happening to us. Yes, it can drive us insane!

In some instances, it makes us stronger but then we hit a situation that seems endless and no way to get out and we don't know how to deal. We tend to strike out carelessly then, without realizing that we hurt others and ourselves, in the process.

As hard as most changes are, most of the time, it is for the good. You push hard to get through a situation but how you do it is the same so naturally the results will always be the same.

Those are the times when you have to think differently, accept what is going on, allow the situation to sink in, change your behavior and ultimately, it changes the outcome.

Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?

Change is hard, don't get me wrong. But those who take risks, thrive on change. Those who do not, get comfortable with the daily routine and without realizing it, we got boring along way, too. We look at our lives and see the same things, day in and day out. Doesn't matter what you are talking about; work, relationships, interests, hobbies and even sex.

Sure we want to have some excitement in our lives. We have good intention of changing a part of us that needs it but just wishing for it to happen without putting some action behind it, won't do a thing. That has been the hardest lesson for me to learn and I am still learning it and applying it to my life.

Our world remains pretty much unchanged as we continue with the same patterns of our thoughts and behaviors. But if we changed those and put some actions to what we want to change, our lives change and then routine is broken.

Be brave. Take a risk. Make a change. But put the behavior behind it.

Want to quit smoking? Stop buying cigarettes. That way when you are at home and have a craving for one, they are not easily accessible. Think of something to do that will get your mind off of smoking.

Same with getting healthier. Want to work out more? Make it a point to take your gym clothes with you to work, then go to the gym, even if you are a bit tired after work. Once you start working out, you get more energy. Believe you can do it, then just do it and eventually, the changes occur within your life.

The only way that things get better in your life is that you change it for the better. If you continue to let the stagnation set in, nothing changes and you feel like life is passing you by and you are not enjoying the moments.

As Gandhi said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." That includes your life.

As I go through some major changes in my life these days, I am putting actions behind every decision I make and it is making the changes easier to handle and accept.

May your challenges be ones that you conquer with ease. May your life be filled with exciting times and amazingly loving people.
