Monday, February 7, 2011

Second Chances

We meet people and first impressions may deceive us for various reasons; the person may have been nervous or you may have been; you or that person had a bad day so how you or they came across may have not been how you or they actually are.

For whatever reason, sometimes we need to take a step back and consider giving it another chance.

Lots of times, we have decided in our heads how the person is based on how we would like the person to be. First mistake. We need to allow each person to be who they are so that we get an accurate picture and allow a possible friendship to grow.

We have to stop ourselves from being quick to judge someone as you may lose out on someone special to be in your life, male or female.

We need to remember we are not perfect and as human we make mistakes. Everyone deserves a second chance to show the real person behind that mask we may wear to protect ourselves on the initial meeting. I think we wear the masks because as much as we all may have good hearts, we have been hurt in the past and know how it feels to be rejected. We become wary of new people.

In order to know someone well, we have to risk that and open our hearts and minds to allow people in so that we can find if they are meant to be in your lives.

I understand it is hard. I had a hard time getting back into dating because I had been hurt and didn't have a lot of trust after that. I realized that I was not allowing someone else to know me and wasn't allowing me to know others. Once I stopped closing myself off, I found that even though I may have not clicked with my dates in an intimate way, most of us have clicked as friends so my circle of friends have grown a bit, which is a wonderful thing.

One thing I will say... always trust your gut. Your intuition is your inner voice and it tells you when you should or should not do something including when you meet someone new who could be a potential best friend or life mate. If you get a bad feeling, then perhaps your inner voice hears something and is warning you.

Here is to allowing second chances and finding wonderful people to bring into your lives.

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