Friday, February 4, 2011

Fortunate Accident

Back in early October of last year, I wrote a quick blog called "Fate, Destiny... Serendipity."

I got the idea to write about it from the movie, Serendipity, as it is one of my favorites. Two people meeting by chance, get this connection they cannot understand, go their separate ways and then by some unknown pull by the Universe, they find one another again. Yes, it is a romance but it can apply to anyone that comes into our lives.

Can you tell I watched it again?  It seems every time I watch it, I get more out of it; a message so I make a mental note and let it sink in.

I often wonder if life is predestined or changes with decisions we make and with the people that come into our lives. Maybe the changes make certain people come in or they keep those that were supposed to come in, away.

I have had some major experiences in my life the past few years but more so, the last couple that made me rethink where I was going and who was going along with me.

Specifically, I had two people who impacted my life severely and made me change the way I see people and how I interact now.

They are both no longer part of my life but they each brought something to me to teach. And that is what life is about, isn't it? Learning as we go along.

I think meeting them both was a fortunate accident or serendipity. I needed them in my life to show me my weaknesses, my strengths, my abilities, my fears and insecurities. To show that life has so many good moments as well as challenging ones.

I have learned to love someone deeply and unconditionally. I know that I will always be grateful to him for that. One day, I will be able to give that love to someone who will return it, the way I deserve.

I live a quiet life. I rarely go online to chat with people unless it is with my nieces. I am an artisan; knit and crochet for my business and doing fine. I have a handful of friends that I spend my time with. I am finishing a book that I have been writing for a few years. I am making a huge change and moving to Connecticut to see if that is where I want to end my life's journey or to see if it is just another stopping point for a bit.

All in all, I have had a wonderful life so far and as many people who have come into my life and left, there are have been so many more than have left and returned so that we have been able to continue from the last moment we had.

Do you believe in serendipity?

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