Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Going Through A Phase

Sometimes, while we are going through something in our lives, we can become off balance. What we need to know is that it is only a phase and it will pass eventually.

Whatever it is we go through, it is always a process; when we are learning something new or trying to break an old habit that is not good for us.

While we fine tune the process, it is natural to find that we are out of balance and this can upset the people around us as well as ourselves as we evolve.

Depending on what it is you are doing or changing, we tend to go overboard with it so that we can make it become ingrained in us. If we are the type to do so much for everyone and decide to learn to say "no," we might find that we say "no" to everyone and everything because it made us feel good to say it for the first time. Eventually we find the middle ground and can determine when we can say yes or no to something.

As Buddha says... everything in moderation including moderation.

Soon, the balance in our life returns and people see that the change we made was for the good. We need to realize that during the process, we have to be patient and understanding with ourselves and remember that while you are making changes, we need to be kind and compassionate to others and more importantly, to ourselves.

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