Thursday, November 4, 2010

Garden of Life

It’s funny how I get into conversations with friends and we start to compare our friends and family to nature, more specifically, plants, flowers or trees. I found that as we talk more, we are like a huge garden that is planted, grown, nurtured and ultimately dies and the cycle continues. There are so many different types of plants, flowers and trees that we can compare to people to.

There are the dangerous types like poison ivy or poison oak that can be toxic, hurt you, make you itch and give you a really bad rash. There are those clinging vines that are just that; they are clingy, always in your business and you can't get rid of them.

You have those who are like huge oak trees; they are steadfast, reliable, always strong and supportive. There are the willow tree that protect you from life’s harshness as it hang over you as you sit under it protection. The tall redwoods that stand solid and stoic without budging.

Then there are the flowers in our garden that are beautiful to look at but some have thorns that hurt us but protects them. The ones that have a nice scent but may not be the most beautiful. The ones that are pretty, simple and just used as adornments. Or the flowers that are pretty but can be eaten so they are useful.

Do you know people that fit any of what was described?  I came up with this list with a handful of friends over a couple bottles of wine.  The conversation was animated, insightful yet fun to think of who is what, but not in a mean way, which was not our intention in the least.

I said it myself; I used to be kind of the clingy vine with roses that stuck her thorn inside you if you got to close. I think of myself now as more of a carnation. Pretty to look at, useful for different events but not overstated or understated. I think that is me. I don't need the limelight like a lot of other people I know. I am not really comfortable in it but I can hold my own if I have to be in it. I dress down and dress up well either way so whatever the mood or circumstances, I am pretty much dressed appropriately; just like a carnation on a mantel at home or at a birthday, wedding or a funeral.

Think of different plants and put your spin on what you think you are. Would love to hear your take on this topic and you can post a comment anonymously if you want, in case you didn't know.

As always, the light in me honors the light in you.

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