Sunday, January 3, 2010

Getting YOU Ready for Change

It's Sunday, we are coming out of our holiday coma and vacation is pretty much over.  Ok... breathe in deep and slow through your nose... then hold for a count of five... now release it slowly through your mouth.  Ahhhh... feel better?

You're probably sitting on your couch, watching football and thinking about tomorrow.  Back to the grindstone... Right?  Hey, sound a little more enthusiastic!  Maybe changing your attitude will change how you feel going back to work.  I know for some of us, we like what we do for a living, so we look forward to going back but I know that for most, it is just something you have to do to pay the bills.

So, what is going to change this year to be different?  To grab your passion?  To make life more fun?  Have you made that list of goals or dreams to attain this year?  For the next 5 years?  Even the next 10 years?  Yeah, yeah, I know, far fetched but why not?.  Even though it is good to live in the moment, it is also good to look forward to what is coming or decide where you want to go and what you want to be.

If you have your list ready to go and want some help, guidance or just a remnder, contact my friend, Mike Eck, of Super Hero Revolution, who is giving you a chance to send him a list of your goals within the 6 key life areas of Spiritual, Mental, Relational, Physical, Financial and Career and he will act as your mentor to keep you on track as well as give you some guidance to where you could possibly make some changes.  Best deal to start your year!

Another friend is explaining the Six Keys to Manifestation in one's life and will detail each step for you to use in your life which I think you will find it interesting.  Check out Dallas Cyr's blog at Passion4Change and continue to check back as he posts updates.

I have given you some good leads to get your life on track and both of my friends are serious in wanting to help people to become the best they can.  They life their words so it is not just them talking a good talk, but really showing their passion for wanting to make a change in the world.

I hope that you take time to think seriously where you want to be and what you want to be doing, get your list of goals/dreams together and start to live that life you so dream of.  Make it happen and make is happen today!

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