Monday, January 25, 2010

Diets are OUT!

Here we are 25 days into the New Year.  You decided to go on a diet for your resolution.  How are you doing so far?  I wonder how many people have let their "resolutions" go already.  It does take dedication and focus but aren't you worth it?  You do so much for others but forget the most important person, YOU.  And another thing... did you noticed that the word diet has the word DIE in it?  Definitely not my kind of healthy.

I am on the journey back to wellness myself; trying to tone myself back up and change my eating habits as it had gone to the wayside over the years.  As I research ideas and thoughts on the Net, I come across a lot of interesting tips and tricks to get help with becoming and staying healthy.  I thought I would share my findings with you as you go on your journey to well being with me.

Everyone has voices that run in their heads, from the time they were born to where they are now in their lives.  They have been told what to do, how to be, how to look and where they should go in life by family, friends, teachers, everyone.  In order to get on your own path, you need to quiet those voices and find your own way.  The question becomes, how do I do that?  You need to realize those voices for what they are... old, broken records that do nothing to help you now.  You have kept them playing too long and now is the time to stop them.  Start by having something written by your bed that is positive about you.  When you wake up, take the time to really stretch your body instead of jumping out of bed.  Stretch your arms; your legs; your body.  While laying there, pick up the paper and read it to yourself a few times.  Then hop out of bed and start your day.   You will find that over time, your attitude changes and you start to feel different about yourself and your abilities.

Self-criticism is not good especially if you continue to reiterate it inside your head.  You need to change the message to be positive and stop the negative.  Messages such as:  "I am unique."  "I am special."  "I am a gift to the world."  "I am connected to all and all is connected to me."  "What I do is for me and for my well being."  Keep repeating and eventually, you will believe it and it turns you around.

One thing most people do when things get tough, is quit.  Why? Stop doing that to yourself.  Instead of quitting, why not try substituting instead.  Find a hobby that keeps you busy instead of eating.  Find things to do that keep you active an hour a day.  Laugh more.  Dance more.  Sing more.  Do anything more but keep active.  Heck, pick up a steamy romance and read that, rather than eat.  Over the years, we have learned to stop listening to our bodies and eat when we are bored.  Purposely replace your three meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner with 5-6 smaller meals every 3 hours.  You will find that your body burns it faster and you have more energy throughout the day.  Make sure to eat healthy foods more often than processed or fast foods.  More blogs to come on that topic.

One last thing... I have bad news, peeps.  You are not perfect.  There!  I said it.  I mean, come on... no one is.

We waste time stressing over trying to be perfect when that will never happen.  Why not use that time more constructively and be a better version of you each day?

Say you started your lifestyle change with your weight and in the last couple weeks you lost some weight.  Celebrate your loss by finding something to do that is special and memorable for you.  Buy a really nice calendar and write great messages to yourself on it when you accomplish a small triumph.  Start a journal and write how you feel to get the negative out and write a lot of positive thoughts so you can read and re-read to youself.  Perhaps you can buy a charm bracelet and every time you lose a specific amount of weight, buy a new charm to add to it.  It is not only pretty but when you get to your goal, you have a pretty bracelet that reminds you of your accomplishments.  Mind you, this might not be a good idea for the guys but you never know!  LOL

However you decide to make healthy lifestyle changes, be positive, make good choices and be well.  Having people around you that are positive and supportive, no matter what you are doing is a huge boost and definitely impacts you in a positive way.  Most important is to be sure you include doctor visits to be aware you are on the right track and have no other health issues.

With gratitude, love and laughter...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Anni! You definitely hit the nail cleanly on the tip of its head there. I like you're idea of 5-6 small meals a day instead of larger ones. You're absolutely right, the bigger your meal, the more tired you are afterward. Then again, my goal this year is to put on a couple rather than take them off, so I think I'll use a little reverse psychology with your blog! My special girl however will enjoy hearing from someone other than myself how incredibly lovely she is the way she is. If it were up to me she wouldn't lose a pound, but this is something she would like to do for herself and I'm going to have to be supportive of that. It will be a justification of sorts and comforting when I show her that I'm not the only one in the world that feels that she doesn't have to go on a rigorous routine to feel better about herself. Thanks! Love the site!
