Sunday, May 29, 2011

Time for a Change

It's will be my 50 birthday a month from today and with such a momentous facet in one's life, it gives thought to what has been done thus far and how much more there is to still do. I still have time... I hope.

Losing my dad almost 6 years ago, made me realize that life is truly short and there is a lot of life to still live because we never know when the end reaches its hands out to enfold us.

With modern medicine, it is assumed it is safe to undergo a routine heart surgery. When we wake up, our health and life is better and we get a second chance to do more with the time we are given. With my dad, that was not the case. He went in and instead of waking him up after the surgery was completed, they kept him under for 4 days. His heart was one of the worse the surgeon had ever seen in his career. Chemo and radiation did some major damage when dad had cancer 8 years prior. But the day came when he was woken and he looked good. What we didn't know was that in less than two weeks, he would be gone and three weeks later, we would be laying him to rest. September 10 is always a hard day to get through. Yes, there is more to the story but perhaps another time.

Ultimately, it's all about time, isn't it? We have to make the best of all we have and cherish the people in our lives. There is still time to find more adventures, see new places and meet many new people. And to find love again. Yes, that would be the nice, wouldn't it?

With those thoughts, I've been going back and forth about consolidating all my blogs to one place as I have several in different places. My thought is to change the URL link here (as I am able to), remove any personal information like my profile and changing the title so I can continue to write anonymously. Yes, my friends, that means that when you come to the current link, it will be gone and searching for me by blog title or my name will not yield any results.

With that said, I wanted to let you know how appreciative I am for having you support and follow my journey, whether you agreed with me or not. It has been an interesting ride, especially the last 6 years and I look forward with excitement and anticipation to what is to come, where I go and who is there beside me.

If you come by and the page is closed or gone, please know that I finally made the decision of what I want to do. I think it's time now; time for a change.

With my deepest gratitude,

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