Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spirituality is Sexy

It is interesting to me but when people hear the word spirituality, it conjures the thought of Buddhists, meditation, wellness or wholeness and a myriad of "holy" or "sacred" thoughts but sex never comes into the equation; especially to those who follow a Christian-based religion.

It was an interesting topic and it is what came up while we were talking at dinner tonight.

Come on... are you going to tell me you never heard of the Kama Sutra or Tantra? Ah! Now, you get it. So did he, when I explained that. I think I got his attention after that. LOL!

They are two of many different forms of foreplay that blends spirituality with sexuality. It melds the two people together so they feel more than lust or sexual tension but deeper connection with their souls as their bodies join in sexual union.

It is said that the mind is the biggest sexual organ in the body and it is true. You can entice someone by stimulating their minds and once that happens, their body naturally follows willingly.

My degree is in Psychology but the emphasis is on human sexuality as that controls a lot of what people do and how they act and it has always interest me. I used to write erotica and had a huge following around the world so I have experience with knowing how to stimulate a person's mind sensually and sexually with just mere words.

My companion said that he could not fathom thinking of being spiritual while having sex. You just didn't think "holy" thoughts because as it is technically a sin to have sex outside of marriage or for pleasure, in the Christian-based religions. It is funny how the religion instills guilt about something as natural as sex.

I told him it is normally done with someone you are in a solid, loving relationship with and it is used to enhance that outside of sex. You have to know the person well, know how they think and how open they would be to trying new things. It frees you from restraints and strengthens bonds between the two people.

Next time you hear the word spirituality, know that there are those who are feeling it hundreds time more intensely than one would, having "regular" sex. It is long, slow, lots of fun and requires a lot of attention to detail when you allow yourself to open up to try this.

It is true sensuality, at its best. Have a try and see how different it is with your partner. Be sure to give yourself a lot of time and have no interruptions. There are many web sites to give you guidance on how to get started and the different positions with the Kama Sutra and with tantric sex.

Come on, peeps! It is time to bring sexy back to spirituality.

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