Thursday, March 10, 2011


Some friends stopped by a couple hours ago to see my towers of boxes in my apartment, making them realize that I am really out of here soon.

We were sitting in my living room, chatting and just hanging out when the topic turned to souls. I don't recall how it got started but Sue asked, "what if everything you do in life, good or bad, determines how long your soul lives?"

Kevin wanted to clarify the question and asked "do you mean, if you do something bad, it is bad for the soul or do something good, it is good for the soul?"

She said that was half of her thought but her full thought was, "what if you did something that was bad to someone. That act would "kill" a part of the soul. If you did something good, it counteracted that bad act and fill in that part that started to die. So if you do good and some bad, you would have a balance, per se."

It got quiet while we thought about her theory. What if?

Joe asked, "do you mean that evil people do so many bad things that their soul is dead and they never recover?"

Sue answers, "yes, sort of but I wasn't thinking it would completely die. Or maybe it does. I hadn't really thought the whole thing through but it was something that caught my attention when I read something recently."

I said, "I don't think it works that way because if that is the case, I know of a couple people that should be dead right now because of how they treated people in their lives. I mean, what would constitute good or bad? Are there levels? Lying is a low level. Stealing is a level up. Murder the highest of the bad level? How long does it take? One lifetime? Two or three?"

Kevin then spoke up and said that it could be a possiblity that the opposite was true and which could account for why so many good people died young. Their souls are so filled at such a young age because of how good they are, that they need to empty it in Heaven (or wherever) or are needed to do other work in another realm. Those who live the longest figure out a balance and the truly evil just fade away.

It was a unique thought and one that is continuously spinning in my head as I write this.

I know that I have not always been the upstanding person I am hoping I am now and I would like to believe that the good I have done in that past few years have made up for some of the bad that I have done in my younger years and the hurt I have caused people, including my family.

It is definitely a good thought to hold and ponder. What do you think?

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