Saturday, June 4, 2011


Words have always intrigued me. How the combination of them could illicit a tear or how it could make you laugh out of control. When I read my first book, I was hooked and my teacher encouraged me to continue to read.

When I was in middle school, I read the poetry of Robert Frost and that changed my life. Poetry was fast and to the point. I didn't have to go through a whole book to convey a message. A few lines written with the right words would make the mind think and process. So with my notebook and pencil in hand, the 10 year old me sat in our backyard with our Koi pond and composed the first poem.

Flash to today... moving cross country the way I did, I brought everything I had so I had been going through boxes until today. It was a pain to do but also fun as I found a lot of old treasures including notebooks full of old poems that I had not transposed onto my flash drive or backed up on the external hard drive.

It was interesting to read my old stuff and see where I was mentally back then. One in particular, written July 28, 2002, grabbed my attention. Kind of a Jekyll and Hyde type of person but it was written about a guy that I actually knew who had this really dark side that only close friends saw but was well loved for the mask he wore that was friendly and kind. He hated that mask but it was what he had to wear to live in this society with his status and family's money.This came out of me one night as I watched him sit by a fire starting out the window and his eyes were what caught my attention so I wrote what I saw and knew. The irony is that he is a Gemini, who are known to have that duality about them.

AMK © 2010

He sits, starting into the emptiness
His thoughts chaotic and twisted
On the exterior, a fine gentleman of country and breed
On the inside, a raging made man exists
One, society adores and the other society abhors
The feeling of conflict rages within
He sits, staring into the emptiness

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