Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stalkers Amoung Us

We know you read every word and punctuation that is written by us. It fuels that psychotic anger and unhealthy obsession you hold towards us.

You write your views in cryptic verses in a public forum, thinking we won't get it... we do.

We throw caution to the wind and at times, we plant seeds that take root in your infantile minds that cause doubt and creates confusion.

You think you are hidden safely behind that monitor but we have reached in without you knowing. We see you. We feel you. We know you... better than you know yourself.

You delude yourself with liquid courage and devil weed. You feel invincible when you write your disparaging remarks... we know how to take you down a peg or two and we always do because we see you try to climb out as you slowly slip further down.

We know what to write to feed that anger and obsession. It has become a game and we are winning because you don't see us. You don't know us. You don't understand us.

We are hidden and securely guarded. You reach out to see if it is safe but we warn you... it is not.

Your armor is broken and tarnished. We have won all the battles you have started. We will conquer you. We will win the war.

You are alone in your desperation. We see you slowly tumble into oblivion. You will crash and burn into nothingness. No friend to hold out a hand and save you because you have killed their spirit. They, too, will let you fall.

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