Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Handling Change

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein

If our thoughts and behaviors do not change, our lives will continue to cycle through as they have before. Nothing changes and we become stagnate. We continue to fight battles within ourselves because we do not accept changes and then wonder why it is happening to us. Yes, it can drive us insane!

In some instances, it makes us stronger but then we hit a situation that seems endless and no way to get out and we don't know how to deal. We tend to strike out carelessly then, without realizing that we hurt others and ourselves, in the process.

As hard as most changes are, most of the time, it is for the good. You push hard to get through a situation but how you do it is the same so naturally the results will always be the same.

Those are the times when you have to think differently, accept what is going on, allow the situation to sink in, change your behavior and ultimately, it changes the outcome.

Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?

Change is hard, don't get me wrong. But those who take risks, thrive on change. Those who do not, get comfortable with the daily routine and without realizing it, we got boring along way, too. We look at our lives and see the same things, day in and day out. Doesn't matter what you are talking about; work, relationships, interests, hobbies and even sex.

Sure we want to have some excitement in our lives. We have good intention of changing a part of us that needs it but just wishing for it to happen without putting some action behind it, won't do a thing. That has been the hardest lesson for me to learn and I am still learning it and applying it to my life.

Our world remains pretty much unchanged as we continue with the same patterns of our thoughts and behaviors. But if we changed those and put some actions to what we want to change, our lives change and then routine is broken.

Be brave. Take a risk. Make a change. But put the behavior behind it.

Want to quit smoking? Stop buying cigarettes. That way when you are at home and have a craving for one, they are not easily accessible. Think of something to do that will get your mind off of smoking.

Same with getting healthier. Want to work out more? Make it a point to take your gym clothes with you to work, then go to the gym, even if you are a bit tired after work. Once you start working out, you get more energy. Believe you can do it, then just do it and eventually, the changes occur within your life.

The only way that things get better in your life is that you change it for the better. If you continue to let the stagnation set in, nothing changes and you feel like life is passing you by and you are not enjoying the moments.

As Gandhi said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." That includes your life.

As I go through some major changes in my life these days, I am putting actions behind every decision I make and it is making the changes easier to handle and accept.

May your challenges be ones that you conquer with ease. May your life be filled with exciting times and amazingly loving people.


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