Friday, June 18, 2010

Are You Ready for Heartbreak?

Who says we are ever ready to go out and get our hearts broken?

My friend is dating this guy and they are going through that period of building their foundation of friendship and seeing where else their path can take them. He is having doubts about going out and trying to have a relationship with someone while he gets his head together and she is still getting life together, though to me, it is always a neverending process.

Her reply to him was "who says that any of us are ready to go out and have our hearts broken." And I thought, you know, that is true. We have this idea that finding the right person will be magical but in truth, it is hard work. We meet, sparks happen, then we open our mouths and minds and each takes a step back and thinks, is this the right person? Then doubts set in and we screw ourselves before things get started.

I write this out of experience and had done exactly that. Decided ahead of time that things were going to end badly and not giving it a chance to get better, so of course, it did end badly. My bad! LOL

A friend best on his Facebook page. "Whatever you do, be sincere in all your dealings. People yearn for genuine connection; the time for facades has passed; it serves no one. When you are closed to others, you don't "protect yourself," you cheat yourself of opportunities, precious moments to positively affect the lives of others and to know love. When you're insincere, you may deceive a few but you rob yourself of the truth; and Love & Truth is all there is."

If you are going out there to find someone to be in a relationship with, know that we bring our baggage into it. We bring our insecurities, our faults, our dark. But we also bring our good, our light, our passion into it, too. If you really are willing to get out there to find that special someone, let it all come in but be honest about it.

It will take a lot of courage and strength to get out there because, yes, heartbreak can (and will) happen over and over until you find that one person who is strong enough to stay and handle it all even with their baggage mixed into the pot. Know it will require lots of work but do not put any expectations on the person to be something they are not. You connected with them because of who they are so why are you trying to change them? Trust me, love is not easy. If it was, there would never be divorce and definitely no heartbreaks but perhaps it might be a tad bit boring.

I wish you many heartbreaks until you find that one person who can heal them all with their passion, their love, their uniqueness; because that means you are out there, fighting the good fight, for love.


1 comment:

  1. So very true and it reminds me of the quote in Feast of Love where they talk about the Greek Gods being bored so they invented love. :-)
