Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Technology and Nature?

A good friend of mine and I got into a discussion about technology and where we see it heading in a few years. Now mind you, my dissertation for my PhD was on how technology is overtaking humanity and our spirituality and how we can keep it in check.

He is very technical and works for a cell phone company, testing all the new phones coming out. He gets to see how well some work and how some are only good for being used as a phone.

Before he started back to school to get his MBA, he used to love driving to all kinds of places, taking day trips, taking pictures and enjoying the outdoors but at the same time, he would utilize technology to keep in touch.

I love being outdoors at a beautiful park, mountaintop, near the ocean or lake, taking pictures and just being with nature; especially in the winter. And I love technology! I am good at it and highly technical. How do we balance them both?

We decided that the misconception a lot of non-technical people have about technology is that you are tied to a PC/laptop (or a Mac) and so that means you are stuck indoors.  Bzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!  Wrong!!!

I do all my status updates on Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking site from my phone while I am outdoors enjoying time with nature or with friends or even while I am on my walk in the mornings.

This blog, right now, is being created while I am standing in my patio outside in the cool breeze, sipping at a glass of wine and watching the clouds cover the moon. Yes, the rain is coming again soon. I am doing this blog, from my phone but enjoying the evening outdoors.

That is the beauty of technology... you don't have to be stuck inside. Yes, that's right, I am not tied to a PC while I blog. The luxury of technology today for someone like me who is highly technical, that loves to write and still enjoy being outdoors is that I can do it all and send via my phone. How simple is that?

I love sending funny or cute pictures to Facebook while I am out and about. I love sharing my adventures with my friends and today, I can be out and still share via technology.

So the next time you feel like you are stuck indoors because you want to blog, write, email or IM with friends, take your phone, get out and enjoy both! You will need a smart phone, my friends and it is well worth it.

(I took this on Saturday while at the Farmers Market, having coffee with my best friend at the cafe across the way. The sky was magnificent!)

May your day outdoors be filled with wonderful moments and may you capture them and share with others.


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