Sunday, May 16, 2010

Take a Day Trip

When was the last time you took a vacation? I mean, get out of town for some time and explore other cities or towns? In the current economic situation, I am sure it has been a while.

I understand that there are times when you just can't take vacation, though one is badly needed. The alternative? How about a day trip out of your local area? It still has the power to rejuevenate you, help you unwind and you get to explore places you only heard about. We get stuck in thinking that vacations require a lot of work and preparation but day trips are so much more easier.

When I first started to do this years ago, my mom thought it was funny that I would get up early in the morning, get into my car and go exploring. Back then, I would take my daughter and we would go different places and have a great time.

Now my mom understands the value in it and loves to hear about my adventures. And it is an adventure for the day. Something new. Something exciting. Something different. Yet it is close enough to home that I can drive back but far enough that I see different parts of my state.

Routine gets boring and it has a way to make you feel like life is just passing you by but for me, taking a day trip out of town makes me feel alive, allows me to meet people and see what is going on outside my little world.

I do a lot of trips on my own in my neck of the woods and have seen a bit of California now. I have lots of different memories and I love it. I will start writing about them and get them down for posterity.

That is the nice thing about these day trips. You get more memories from them because they are one special day at a time.

There are so many places to visit that you can look up on the Internet and make a list of places you would like to see. When you do go, you can check them off and move on to the next. It is so much fun and not a lot of work needed. You don't need to pack, except to be prepared for the unexpected weather. Just hop into the car and drive off! Going to forests, beaches, lakes, mountains or rivers can be the perfect day trip and a relaxing one, at that. If you want to be green about your day trips, check out your local bus or train routes, see where they go and take a day trip on them.

The nice thing about day trips is that it costs a lot less than traveling long distances, with a rental car, hotel and food costs, etc. Day trips is gas money, lunch/dinner and any fees to get into some place you want to check out for that day. And at the end of the day, you get to sleep in your own bed!

One thing I notice when I go on my day trips is that it seems to make my weekend, which is when I normally go on one, so much longer and when I get to work on Monday, I have something fun to talk about with my co-workers.

Think about all the places you haven't seen in your own backyard and make plans to go on a day trip and explore!

Happy exploring, my friends and safe journey!

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