The day we are born, a new book is opened in the Library of Life; chapters are first written by our soul's guardian as we learn our way in this world, then we take over the writing of our own story until the book is closed upon our death.
It then provokes the thought... does destiny already seal our fate on what path our life will take or do we have some control on what happens?
Where are you in your life's story?
Do you love? Do you hate? Do you even know what it is yet? Can you give love freely and openly without expectations? Can you drop the hate and anger and forgive?
Are you rich? Are you destitute? Financially, spirituality or in your attitude?
Are you happy? Are you depressed? In your life? If your relationships? In anything or everything?
My book started out nicely. Wonderful, loving parents who cared and nurtured me and my sisters. By the time, I was able to take my own story over, I had an easy childhood with lots of great memories and fun. As I got into my teens, I had a hard time knowing what I wanted to do with my life, where I was going and I stumbled and failed a lot including my marriage as I got through my twenties.
I will be 49 in less than a month and it has taken a long time but I found that through all my trials and tribulations thus far, I have closed a lot of old, dark chapters in my life and have started to write ones that are filled with light, love and gratitude. Filled with understanding and compassion for where I am in my life and with all those I share this wonderful place and time. I still have moments or days that are dark and I wonder why I am here and where I am going but I found that it may take a lifetime to get the answers. What is important is not to always need an answer and to live each day as it comes.
What I know is that I have to live my life as best as I can, open my heart more often and take risks so that I can take the road less traveled and see where I get to.
We may never know if we are on the right path but someone once told me, "trust your gut" so I do that now. I may find that down the road, it was the wrong way, but I will know that I took a risk, didn't live my life in a cocoon, in the same old place, in the same old rut and I bet I get a good lesson to pass on while having lots of fun along the way.
In our books, there will be times of much joy and happiness; sadness and countless heartbreaks. Success and wealth; failure and poverty. Triumphs and open doors; disappointments and set backs. Love and passion; anger and denial.
How we can get back on track and write a better ending is what counts. How we forgive and move on can make us a stronger person and better for all the experiences.
You have to see both sides of a situation. You may have been disappointed or had your heart broken but in turn, you may have disappointed many people and broke many hearts.
I hope that while you continue to write your life's story, you experience multitudes of emotions and situations so that it expands your view of what the world is all about.
Open your heart knowing it could be broken many times but know how it feels because the next time, it will be better.
Help your fellow human brother or sister in need. Volunteer to help out our children.
Be kind to others but more importantly, be kind to yourself.
There are far too many people who are stuck in their own little world; are frighten to death to get out and see the world. Instead of reading about a place or watching TV about a place, go visit it in person and see with your own eyes how it is.
Get off your ass and stop watching that damned TV and get out and commune with nature even if it is going to the nearest park to read a book, write in your journal or just people watch.
I hope that you take risks in your life so that at the end, you know you have accomplished so much and it will make your life's story an interesting adventure for all to read.
To all your dreams, big and small...