Saturday, April 24, 2010

Learn to Fly

The thoughts you have are what makes how you live and who you are. Peter Pan had happy thoughts to make him zoom.

If you watch the non-animated movie Hook, Robin Williams plays Peter Pan grown up. Though he loves his kids and wife, he was not happy in his life. He was grumpy, tired, workaholic and had forgotten his happy thought. He could not fly anymore and more important, he forgot who he was and how to really live.

On that premise, I came up with this idea that in order to stay happy, you have to have a happy thought inside of you to go to when you need it. Whatever life does to bring you down, you can think of that thought and it will brighten your day. It can be something, some place or someone special.

With that, I created what I call Smile Meditation. Meditation allows you to focus, relax and calm your mind, body and spirit. So I thought when you do the Smile Meditation, it allows you to go into your happy place to generate good energy for yourself to face any problems that come to you.

During meditation you focus on the nothingness and empty your mind but what a lot of people end up doing is frown in concentration which is not the affect that meditation should have.  You may be relaxed and at peace but with that intent face, you don't look happy. I wanted more, so I tried different ways to meditate and found that what I created works. I thought why can't we tap into the happiness inside us and make that meditation more meaningful. Plus frowning adds wrinkles to your face so I would rather smile.  LOL!

Let's do an experiment. Get a mirror and look into it. Just gaze into it. Watch your eyes but don't have any thoughts. You look serious, right?

So now, think of something, some place or someone that makes you smile and look into the mirror. See the difference? Your eyes are probably sparkling, your lips curved into a smile and you feel happy.

I thought, if you could smile as you meditate, which is not as easy, you take your meditation to a different level. What you feel after you are done with the meditation is complete, whole... happy.

That energy of smiling pulls you into a different mode of concentration and lets you tap into the positive vibe from within. If you put that together with a quiet meditation, can you imagine how your world will look when you open your eyes?

Throughout the movie, the Boys and Tinker Bell attempt to help Peter remember who he was and how much he loved being a kid with a happy thought. When you get to the end of the movie, Peter finally find his happy thought and learns to fly again. Using that analogy, I am asking you to think differently about how you meditate, if you do and how you feel doing it.  It will feel like you are flying happily in life because you are.

Below is a sample of how to do the Smile Meditation so have a listen and add your own twist to it.

As always, sending positive, loving energy to you all.


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