It's a slow trek up that prestigious mountain. Many of us slide down and have to begin again.
Pebbles of doubt trip us up.
Rocks of obstacles tumble across our paths.
Boulders of fear block our way.
So how do we get up that mountain?
Carefully and slowly. And we have to each do it alone. No one can find that peak of happiness for you but yourself. Don't worry. We have the tools.
Steady shoes of positivity keeps us from tripping up. Keep walking.
Jackets and hats of courage help us avoid the obstacles. Protect yourself.
Our staff of love crushes the boulders that stop us. Use it as much as you need or want.
What do we get when we get to the peak? We feel that pure exhilaration of satisfaction fill us. We conquered something amazing.
A job well done... but it's not over. And you thought this was the hard part. Nope, that was the easy part. The hard part is keeping the Peak of Mt. Happiness within you.
It is a constant battle we fight within ourselves.
Some times, people can affect us even when we think we are in control.
We experience grief in our lives and some get stuck there.
Keeping the peak of happiness will be a struggle but you have to remember that moment of joy and how it felt. Doesn't that make you want to always feel that way?
When you realize that others are affecting you, honestly, you just need to take a step back and turn them off. Easy? No, but you are the most important person to you, so in order to stay happy, you have to do it for yourself.
Grief is a bit harder and it depends on the circumstance.
I will say this. Go through the grief. You need to know it in order to know true happiness. But don't stay stuck in it. There is nothing you can do to change the course of the situation so feel it however you need to, then let it go.
Your mind, body and soul will appreciate it.
Next time you slide a little bit down Mt. Happiness, remember... you are worth the happiness and more importantly, you deserve it.
Get back up and start the climb again.